The Moth NYC StorySLAM 2/26/24

Pulled up to the Cutting Room for one of the Moth’s StorySLAMs in NYC. The theme of the night was Deadlines and I told a story about our race against the clock for the birth of our second daughter. WE WON!! Stay tuned for details on the GrandSLAM.

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Breathing In Spanish: El Cuentista

Sat down for a chat with Marlena Maduro Baraf as part of her Soy/Somos collection where she chats with Latinos in the US and other Americans with their feet planted in two or more cultures. Check out the interview here. Be sure to subscribe to her Substack for more compelling stories and interviews.

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Acentos Review – Double Feature

Below are passages from two separate stories, featured in the quarterly journal Acentos Review. One of them is a piece about my grandmother, originally intended for Dominican Mother’s Day. A few lasting memories of who she was and what she meant to our family. The other is an excerpt from a collection of short stories…

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My Graduation Day

At this point, we had been together for almost four years. Though to see us together, you might’ve thought it was longer. We have a chemistry that is undeniable. There’s never been an obstacle that we couldn’t overcome or a headache that we couldn’t ease, together. Oddly enough, when we first met we did not…

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